Heights of Abraham

Matlock, Derbyshire

How to book

To make your booking, call our Take Time Reservations Department on 01565 831 816 quoting your Unique Booking Code and details of where you would like to visit

Bookings can be made 1 – 28 days in advance

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  • Open Monday
  • Open Tuesday
  • Open Wednesday
  • Open Thursday
  • Open Friday
  • Open Saturday
  • Open Sunday


Matlock, Derbyshire


The Heights of Abraham is a 60-acre Georgian hilltop estate, first opened in 1787. Located on the edge of the Peak District and accessed by an exciting flight in a cable car, with two guided tours of underground caverns, three exhibitions, adventure play areas and spectacular views for miles. There are shops, facilities, restaurant dining and a café too.

Please refer to your accompanying email or letter for details of how many admissions your booking code is valid for.
*Should your requirements differ from this standard offering, please notify our Take Time reservations department at the time of booking.

Terms and Conditions can be found here.